2016年3月6日 星期日

words by coca

1.nooks and crannies

an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole; "several of the details are similar"; "a point of information"

 Use as noun phrase, add the before this phrase.

examples from Coca:
by rock climbers. You can get the hang of those at an indoor climbing gym. # The belay system is also the same. Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers use a top-roping system, which mean " a rope runs from a Delayer at the bottom, through an anchor system at the top and into the harness of the climber. # The crampons and ice tools used in ice climbing are unique. The only place to really practice using those is on snow or ice. # In rock climbing, you find handholds in the nooks and crannies of the rock. In ice climbing, you use your tools and crampons to create your own holds. # " You have to get to know the ice, " says Varsity Scout Teancum Gibson. " Some spots on the ice will break off, so you can't really just make holes anywhere. " # tools, raise it as high as they can, jam it back into the ice and pull themselves up. Repeat that process over and over and before you know it, you've

My sentence:
I've searched for it in every nook and cranny, and I stillcan't find it.

Of or relating to people who live in the country

Grammer and rules:
In early examples, there is usually little or no difference between the meanings of rural and rustic, but in later use the tendency is to employ rural when the idea of locality (country scenes, etc.) is prominent,rustic when there is a suggestion of the more primitive qualities or manners naturally attaching to country life.

examples from Coca:
horticultural ambitions, so they started looking southward for a more appropriate location. In 1857 they found just the right place to continue growing fruit trees--Benjamin Warren's " Pearmont " tract, just west of Augusta, Georgia. # By the time they purchased the property, both Louis and Prosper Berckmans had made reputations in America as horticulturists and pomologists. P.J. had assisted Downing in revising his Fruits and Fruit Trees of America, which was the standard book on the subject, and Louis was a regular contributor to the journals The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste (which was a national horticultural journal Downing started in 1846) and The Magazine of Horticulture. The Cultivator announced the Berckmanses presence near Augusta in April 1857, and the journal expected great things from them; almost immediately upon arriving in Georgia, Louis and Prosper became leaders in the horticultural movement in the South. The journal wrote that Louis Berckmans was transferring his entire stock of twenty thousand pear seedlings from New Jersey to his new property in Georgia, and informed its readers that he had twenty-five years

My sentence:
Rick cleaned up in the rural parts of the state, while Romney again showedhis greatest strength in suburban and urban areas.

a narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, connecting two larger bodies of land.

Grammer and rules:
A narrow strip of tissue joining two larger organs or parts of an organ. A narrow passage connecting two larger cavities.

examples from Coca:
was forced to remove the shackles of the treaty and thereby concede to the United States hegemony over the western hemisphere. # The American leadership under Theodore Roosevelt now moved with utter ruthlessness to make the canal a reality. They bought out the French company for, a figure that dwarfs the purchases of Louisiana, Alaska and the Philippines. When the Colombian government seemed unwilling to give in to the American demands that they concede total control over a canal zone, Roosevelt made plans to invade Panama, but instead fomented, supported and protected a separatist revolution on the isthmus. He then bullied the new Panama republic into signing a treaty that reduced it to vassalage and established total military control of the new canal zone. There was a sharp backlash in the US, where the president was accused of dragging the country down to the sordid level of the European land-grabbing powers, but it was a fait accompli and a watershed for US presidential power and American imperial ambition. # The Americans learned virtually nothing from the failures of the French over the canal' s history.

My sentence:
The only thing it rhymes with is isthmusand that but loosely.

