"Economics" has been called "the science of how people make a living." We all have to make a living! Shouldn't we all understand something about economics? Often, though, when people talk about Economics, the words seem to get all twisted around! How do we even know what's being talked about?
Here's an exercise to give you a taste of how you'll approach things in our Understanding Economics course. Below are twelve images of things one might encounter in our day-to-day economy. There are four images on the screen, labeled Land, Capital, Labor and Other.
Drag each item into the range you think it ought to go in. But be careful! If you don't place it in the correct range (according to our Economic Definitions), it won't stick there. You'll have to try again. And there's another trick to watch out for: some of the items might incorporate two of the factors. In that case, they'll only stick to the correct boundary line between those two factors.